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Frequently Asked Questions in Visa Interviews

Jan 12, 2023

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If you plan on commencing your higher education abroad, then be prepared to face some challenging yet interesting questions from the visa officers.

But, simply understanding the questions and answers for a visa interview to study abroad is not enough. Ensure that you have met the eligibility criteria to get the visa. A brief idea about the visa acceptance procedure might also come in handy.


Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions in Visa Interviews

1.  What is the purpose behind going abroad?

This is one of the most common and basic questions. As direct as the question seems, make sure that you answer it in the same way.

The simplest way to answer this is by being honest about your study plans and the university that has accepted your admission. Also, try to be straightforward and keep it short. The interviewer would not like to be bothered by unnecessary information. 


2.  What is your professional and educational background?

The sole reason behind this question is that the interviewer wants to know more details about you as a student. It will help them envision your next plan considering where you started and where you are headed.

Answer this question by mentioning all your educational and professional achievements.


3.  Why are you choosing this specific university?

This is a critical question and most students end up citing the good economy and better future job opportunities. But, honestly, these answers portray that you have long-term plans to settle there, which is not very attractive to your interviewer.

Therefore, try being real and talk passionately about the great facilities and faculty of your chosen university. Additionally, consider going through your university’s website or handbook to deliver an appropriate answer.


4.  Is it the first time you are visiting there?

Answering this question directly is not appreciable. So, if it’s a no and you have visited the country before, then talk about your experience of visiting and the reason behind your visit.

On the other hand, if you never visited the place, then answer by mentioning how you have always wanted to visit the place. Further, make your answer even more genuine by adding facts and reasons why you wanted to visit the country.


5.  Who is sponsoring you?

The answer to this question is of critical value. Therefore, if you have received a scholarship, then mention that. Otherwise, mention the name of your sponsor, who might be your guardian, mother or father. Likewise, consider providing financial documents to add more value to your statements. 


6.   How much is your sponsor’s income?

Interviewers ask this question because they are interested to know if your sponsor's annual income is satisfactory enough to meet and fulfil your expenses of studying abroad.

Depending on how you answer this question holds valid proof of how capable your sponsors are to finance your education abroad. Moreover, consider mentioning income as per filed IT Returns. If you do not have a well-off sponsor, then you can always take financial advice from study abroad consultants in India, such as KC Overseas who assist with Overseas Education Loans for students. 


7.  Have you received any scholarships?

It’s quite obvious that you have kept a record of all the scholarships that you have received. Ensure to mention all of them when your interviewer asks you this question. The reason behind this question is the interviewer wants to ascertain that you are well aware of the financial aid that your scholarships guarantee.

Moreover, if you have submitted a statement of purpose with your scholarships, then do tag along a copy of the same. Did you know that some of the fastest-growing study abroad edtech companies offer universally accepted scholarships?


8.  What will you do after completing your course?

This is a tricky question where you need to prove to your interviewer that you plan to return to your hometown once your course is completed. However, if you plan to stay back and work there for a short period, then mention that too, be honest. 

Ultimately, do not fail to mention that your parents or family members continue to reside in your hometown. Thus, you have plans to return no matter what.             


9.  Do you have any loans? If yes, then how do you plan on paying them back?

If you do, then mention the exact quantum of loans you have to pay yet. Also, mention the purpose of your loans. However, never mention that you have plans to take up a job there to pay off your student loans.

Instead, illustrate how you plan on successfully completing your studies there. Start a prosperous career in your hometown and pay off your loans in no time.


10. Will you be returning to your hometown during the holidays?

The interviewer wishes to ascertain your relationship with your family and how eagerly you want to return to your hometown through this question. 

Answer honestly, but do not mention how you do not plan to come back home for the holidays; instead, you want to work there. Such an answer might give the impression that you are not financially strong, and the interviewer may decline your study abroad visa request.

In a nutshell, being honest is the best remedy. However, honesty backed with basic intelligence proves to be the best. Besides, look simple, wear formal attire , do not over-accessorise, and wear your glasses if your passport picture features the same. Be confident! 

If you need expert guidance to crack the visa interview to study abroad, then KC Overseas is here for you! 

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