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IELTS Listening - Tips for a High Score

Dec 27, 2022

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The IELTS test is divided into four sections: listening, speaking, writing, and reading. Every unit is crucial for achieving a higher score on the test. 

In this blog, we will concentrate on the IELTS listening section and learn how to improve your score with some valuable IELTS listening tips. We'll also learn about how to properly prepare for your listening test.


IELTS Listening Test Format

  • There are 40 questions in total and 4 sections.
  • Section 1 includes two speakers, on a telephonic conversation regarding tasks like booking a table at a restaurant, or renting a house, etc. You must carefully listen to information such as names, dates, time, and places.
  • Section 2 includes one speaker, it is a monologue which is set in an everyday social context.
  • Section 3 includes 3 or 4 speakers in an academic discussion where students are conversing with a professor or discussing an assignment.
  • Section 4 has only one speaker giving an academic lecture.
  • The listening test lasts for 40 minutes, 30 minutes to listen to the recordings and note your answers on the question paper. 10 minutes will be given to transfer your answers from the question paper to the answer sheet.
  • IELTS is an international test with a range of accents but mainly British and Australian. IELTS accepts British or American English spelling.  

Valuable Tips for IELTS Listening Test Preparation

You'll be well-prepared for the test with the assistance of these IELTS listening suggestions.

1. Be ready for all possible questions

The listening test usually has six activities or questions. Be sure to practice thoroughly in each one and become familiar with the questions' levels of complexity.


2. Practice writing responses to what you hear

It is compulsory to listen to four recordings in 30 minutes. This implies that you won't have much time to repeatedly listen to the recordings. Take a practice test to enhance your listening abilities, then check the solutions at home to evaluate how challenging it is.


3. Practice listening to various accents

It's possible that the recordings you'll hear during the test will have speakers from several linguistic regions expressing the regional English accent. Therefore, be prepared to hear accents from diverse English-speaking nations. The best way to learn these accents is to watch news stations. One is BBC, but you may also tune in to some local radio stations, podcasts, or news networks.


4. Expand your vocabulary

There could be a variety of speakers in the audio you listen to. Some people may have a strong vocabulary, while others may have a weak one. Therefore, your goal is to expand your vocabulary so that you don't have to focus on a single word and worry about what it means.


5. Distinguish between what is necessary and what is not

Make it a habit to distinguish between what is necessary and what is not necessary as one of your IELTS listening strategies. This means that you must attempt replies and listen to enough recordings. This will enable you to complete the test quickly and without wasting time by taking down irrelevant information.

IELTS Listening Test Day Tips

The day of the test is finally here, and this is where all of your preparation will pay off. Therefore, be sure to adhere to these IELTS listening recommendations while you take the test.

1. Start Concentrating

Even though it could be challenging, you must focus on listening and answering questions during the test. Follow the instructions carefully and understand the questions. You may read the question first and then listen to the audio to note the correct answer.

2. Understand specific information

Specific information like names, places, date, time or other details must be carefully noted. Spend time to think of the keywords, synonyms, the verbs used, directions and prepositions used like ‘in front of’ or ‘next to’. 

3. Pay attention to a conversation

In section 3 of this test you will listen to a group discussion. Listen to the ideas, opinions, facts and viewpoints of each of the speakers. Read the questions before listening to the recordings and note down information of the speakers. 

4. Follow a lecture

Section 4 is the most challenging part of the listening test. Make sure you use the words that the speaker uses in his/her talks, such as firstly, on the other hand, to name a few, etc. These words will help you anticipate what’s coming next so you can pay more attention and highlight the information.

5. Remember the Word Count instruction

IELTS listening test will mention how many words you are supposed to write in the answer. For example if it says one word and you write ‘the car’, your answer is incorrect as it should be only ‘car’. You should also write numbers in words and not numerals.

6. Make use of Acronyms

You will need to simultaneously write the test's answers on a rough sheet while administering it. Thus, avoid using complete words and sentences. When transferring the answers, use abbreviations and brief statements as much as you can grasp them. For instance, write "N” for a noun, "V" for a verb, etc.

7. Send Correct Answers

The final answer sheet must be submitted within the allotted 10 minutes. Examine your spelling and punctuation both, and make sure you are sending them correctly. Even if the answer is correct, misspelled words may make you lose points.



These IELTS listening tips will aid in your test preparation and help you get a thorough understanding of how to take the IELTS listening test. You should pay particular attention to the fundamental abilities that are enhancing your listening both before and during the test. You will become more adept at taking tests and performing well with the additional time you invest in putting these strategies into practice.

Consult with study abroad advisers for the most effective strategy to prepare for your IELTS test. Students can apply and prepare for IELTS tests in India with the help of KC Overseas. Begin your journey and support your aspirations by learning from a team of IELTS test preparation experts.

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