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Prerequisites to Excel as an Overseas Education Consultant

Apr 28, 2023

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Over the years, overseas education is gaining popularity among Indian students. The inclination to spend on overseas education is rising significantly. With the increasing number of Indian students opting to study abroad, massive growth is experienced in the overseas education sector. 

According to the latest report by the Ministry of External Affairs, in the year 2022, more than 1.3 million students studied abroad. The USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand were the leading study destinations among Indian students. Furthermore, the USA and the UK had record-breaking visa issuance for Indian students in 2022.

Witnessing this record-breaking surge of Indian students in the overseas education sector, it is estimated that the figures would further increase over the next few years to reach 1.8 million students by 2024.

Considering the significant rise in demand for overseas education, the demand for overseas education consultants has also risen. Aspirants look out for study abroad experts for end-to-end assistance. 

There are several ways to become an overseas education consultant, and one of the easiest and most economical ways is to start your own consultancy or to take a study abroad franchise with a renowned consultant.  

Overseas education consultants play a vital role in assisting students in achieving their academic goals. Starting an overseas education consultancy is an excellent opportunity for individuals or companies looking to leverage the scope of this growing industry. However, certain prerequisites must be met before becoming an overseas education consultant. In this article, we will discuss the five key prerequisites that one must have to excel as an overseas education consultant.

Keep reading to know these prerequisites. 

5 Key Prerequisites to Excel as an Overseas Education Consultant

1. Industry Expertise 

The overseas education sector is a dynamic industry with several major changes happening now and then. Industry expertise is essential to give the right information and counselling to the students. Knowledge of the education sector and its trends will help to provide better services to study abroad aspirants. In-depth knowledge of the education system, admission procedures, and visa requirements of different countries is also essential. The best part is you can gain all this information and be abreast with the latest trends and changes by partnering with a renowned consultant who has been in the sector for long. 

2. Keeping Abreast with the Latest Updates

As we all know there have been numerous changes in the global university patterns and student needs pre- Covid, during Covid and post-Covid. The overseas education industry is constantly evolving, and the various study destinations are coming up with new strategies to attract international students. There are also changes in fee structures, eligibility requirements, course options and a lot more which consultants must be aware of. To become a successful overseas education consultant, one should be aware of the changes in the admission process, the latest visa rules and regulations, and the other pre-requisites that are changing. This knowledge will help you to provide aspirants with the most recent and relevant information, making the services more valuable.

So do keep yourself updated and ensure that your team is also well versed with all the latest changes in the study abroad sector as this knowledge will help you stay ahead in the competition.

3. Understanding of Customer Requirements 

To provide suitable and quality services, understanding the aspirants’ requirements is of prime importance. Therefore, consultants must be able to identify their preferences and provide them with the best possible options. A deep understanding of customer requirements will also help the consultants to offer personalized services. This will result in upscaling of business and successful student applications. 

So, it becomes a must that you train your counsellors in the best possible manner to get all the required information from the aspirants to give tailormade solutions to them.

4. Selling Skills 

To excel in any business one must possess selling skills to attract clients and grow the business. Marketing services to potential clients, highlighting the perks of approaching them and offering competitive pricing for the services, are the essential selling strategies which we all know are required to stand out.

If you have all these and a lot more to offer, which is genuinely beneficial to study abroad aspirants, then you will no doubt make a mark as the best consultant.

5. Effective Communication Skills 

Effective communication skills is another necessity as overseas education consultants. Being well versed in English becomes a top priority you have to converse with Foreign University Delegates. Students are aiming to study abroad so the communication from your end must be greatly impressive for them and their parents. 

As such a good command on the language, confidence and giving the right information in the right way is greatly required to leave a strong and lasting impression.

Becoming a Study Abroad Consultant requires a combination of skills, expertise, and knowledge. Industry expertise, selling skills, effective communication, understanding of customer requirements, and knowledge of changing market trends are some of the key prerequisites as mentioned above. By meeting these prerequisites, you can build a reputation amongst competitors. 

But apart from all of these, it is also essential to have a good number of university collaborations, and complete knowledge of the eligibility criteria, admission requirements, application and visa processes of global universities and study destinations. If you feel that acquiring all this knowledge on your own will be difficult then you can partner with overseas education consultants who have this whole package for you.

Well, if you are ready to join the bandwagon of abroad education consultants and build a strong reputation, then you are at the right place. KC Overseas Education is leading the movement of successful partnerships in the overseas education consultancy business. 

With 3500+ active partners on board, we provide access to 25 years of expertise, global university collaborations, high-end technology, and extensive student resources to help all our partners recruit students globally and scale their businesses to new heights.

Collaborate with us and we can grow mutually, assisting study abroad aspirants in accomplishing their academic goals.

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