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International Students Greatly Satisfied with Their Study Abroad Experience in New Zealand

Feb 10, 2024

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In a quest to understand the reasons behind the surge of international students in New Zealand, the Ministry of Education - Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ) conducted two research projects to measure student experience and views of locals towards international education. Their findings were nothing short of remarkable! If you are planning to study in New Zealand in the upcoming intake, then this piece of news is surely for you. Read on to know the updates. 

84% - Eight in every ten international students positively rate their overall experience!

In the International Student Experience Survey 2023 conducted by ENZ, over 4,755 international students from 70 countries participated. Among them, 3,993 students rated their overall experience as positive. Wow! That’s a great satisfaction level among international students in New Zealand. 

To support this fact various factors were evaluated, and the key findings were,

  • An impressive 83% of respondents highly recommend this country to other aspirants for higher studies.
  • During their higher study in New Zealand, 87% feel that education here sparks curiosity and develops new ideas to foster innovation.
  • A staggering 88% formed valuable connections during their time in the land of Māori.
  • Surprisingly, 64% found their Kiwi experience to be even better than what they expected.
  • Interestingly, a significant 78% of international students prefer New Zealand as their top choice for higher education.

75% of Locals believe visiting students boost New Zealand's Economy!

In the separate research study commissioned by ENZ, which surveyed 1,100 New Zealanders, an overwhelming 75% of respondents, totaling 825 individuals, expressed their belief in the positive economic impact that international students bring into the country. Let us delve into the details.

  • Among people from different religious backgrounds, 80% think that international students bring economic advantages to the country.
  • A striking 81% of locals believe that these students help us learn about different cultures and make our country more diverse. 
  • The research also reveals a steady increase in the contribution of international students to the country's economy, rising from 57% in 2016 to higher figures today.
  • Locals concerned about international students displacing their jobs have gone down, with the percentage dropping from 34% in 2018 to 24% in 2023. In fact, New Zealanders now acknowledge the fact that these students bring in more employment opportunities. 
  • About 32% of Kiwis feel the growing presence of visiting students and demand for better educational infrastructure, including housing, transportation, and healthcare services, to better accommodate their needs.

While sharing this exciting news, Mr. Geoff Bilbrough, the General Manager for Marketing and Communications at a government agency emphasized that the positive survey results benefit both international and national communities. 

This is an important piece of news for students looking for higher education abroad, especially in the world's 3rd least corrupt country. For a hassle-free admission process to New Zealand's top universities, consider KC Overseas Education as your trusted companion.

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