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France Intends to Welcome 30,000 Indian Students by 2030

Sep 16, 2023

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One more great news for Indian students planning to study abroad!

After the latest announcement pertaining to the extended 5 - Year Short-Stay Schengen Visa for Indian students, France has recently announced its plan to welcome 30,000 Indian students by the year 2030. In order to work on this plan, the government of France has brought in various initiatives for the Indian student population. France has always been one of the most sought-after European study destinations for Indians and these new initiatives announced by the French government are added advantages for students looking forward to pursuing their higher education in France. 

So, without further ado, let’s check further updates.

To ensure that Indian students have a smooth transition into the French educational system, international classes will be held in French Universities and Colleges. These classes will be in English and comprehensive training in the French language will also be given to the non-French-speaking Indian students choosing to study in France. The French Government along with Campus France will be organising a ‘Choose France Tour 2023’ in the month of October. This event will happen in four major cities of India, namely, Chennai, Calcutta, Delhi, and Mumbai. 

Aiming to provide comprehensive support to Indian students planning to study in France, the French government will recruit higher staff and resources in India for Campus France. These are some of the major initiatives that were recently announced for Indian students. In addition to all these latest updates, Indian students are also eligible for a 5-year short-stay Schengen Visa. Indian alumni who have pursued a Masters in France or have spent at least a semester of a Masters' degree program studying here are eligible for this Visa. 

Studying in France is a perfect blend of academic excellence and career opportunities. So, if you want to be one of the beneficiaries of these initiatives, you can reach out to our team at KC Overseas Education. Our highly qualified Europe Experts will help you in shortlisting the right French University or Institution and assist you throughout your application process. 

Reach out to our team today and get end-to-end services to study in France!  

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